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We bring you examples from a bungalow by Ar. Bharathi Prem in South India, a partially restored-partially refurbished building in the historic centre of Milan and on the product front – an upcoming jewellery designer, who showcases an unusual bent of the old-new tenet. Almost in direct contrast, and averring to trendy mind sets and up-to-the-minute design sensibilities, we bring you a review of the on-going Head-to-Toe exhibition in London!
Enjoy your read.
Savitha HiraEditor

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True-to-form Architecture
Characterized by a play of volumes, Anand Dham in South India is a contemporary-styled villa with integral traditional connects.
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From Royalty to Commons
Jewellery designer Vasundhara Mantri creates exquisite pieces that are a beautiful amalgamation of the traditional with the contemporary.
Global Hop
Considered ahead of its time even in the 1960s, when it was first built, the Palazzo Campari building, Milan is today a refurbished modern wrap, delineating its advanced features as obsolete…
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Top milliners and shoe designers explore the craft process and skill behind the drama, impact and, often, fun of hats and shoes at the opening of Crafts Council galleries at London this week…
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