Wednesday, June 26, 2019

World’s first disposable paper urine bag |Athens building façade inspired by speeding traffic| Top 5 at the London Design Fair 2019| Green offices in Gurugram |and more

ADD Architecture Studio taps its ingenious approach to lighting and spatial design to deliver an on-brand aesthetic for the headquarters of Greek fashion brand Devotion Twins in Athens.
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Dear IAnDian,

Every creative work is pegged at a centralised thought. Whether it is the written word, a speech or an architectural design, it revolves around a centralised phenomenon - be it an inspiration, a passing thought that is fed to grow; or even a thing of beauty that inculcates a philosophic bent!

It is interesting - even intriguing - to note that quirk can sometimes give birth to a logical and evolving idea that can be transformative in addition to being distinct. When the architects in Athens, Greece were faced with designing an upmarket retail building along the National Highway in an industrial area in Athens, with jet-setting vehicles along the highway as a constant source of distraction, they turned it into the highlight by studying both light and orientation. The result is the headquarters of Greek fashion brand, Devotion Twins - a striking edifice with equally intriguing interiors and exteriors - the façade being a dynamic element inspired by the speeding vehicles on the highway! Do check out our cover story for the details.

An extension of luxury for an evolving lifestyle in Vadodara; a workplace with enough green cover to bring in a breath of fresh air; and loads of must-see-must-visit suggestions from the London Design Fair 2019! Cheers to some wholesome reading this week.

Warm regards,
Savitha Hira


Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Inside India’s first sports museum| Let the child in you revel in simple pleasures| Switchable glass | and more…

Salient Design Studio blueprints India’s very own multi-sports archive - the Fanattic Sports Museum, commemorating the country’s revered tryst with the sporting world.
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Dear IAnDian,

The child in each of us never really grows up. It just takes that one instance or opportunity that helps realise a fantasy, a secret desire, a penchant ...

Designers aid this realisation - in more ways than one. In this week's fare, the restaurant La Rotonde in Nice, France takes us back to our merry-go-round times, when as children, the carousal was our greatest thrill! This themed restaurant surrealistically brings back the age and the aura of cherished times.

Collectibles is the other area, where design ushers in a transformative role. India's first sports museum in Kolkata is pure delight for young and old alike, as it showcases 133 exhibits and more - a large chunk from the personal collection of noted sports journo, Boria Majumdar. Breaking the stereotype of traditional museum typology, this one draws a seamless connect with the outdoors, with the focus on experiential and explorative interaction.

And of course, there's much more packed in. Enjoy the issue.

Warm regards,
Savitha Hira


In case you missed it earlier.

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

This retail design does not focus on the product alone! | Home with glass balconies amid the scenic mountains| Taste of La Dolce Vita…| and more

SAOTA shapes this Cape Town residence to blur the unmistakable thresholds between landscape and architecture, drawing on soft transitions and honest expressions.
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Dear IAnDian,

La dolce vita – the good life! What is the ‘good life’? Luxury at your fingertips? A luxurious, scenic second home? A liveable space that balances both - sustainability and contemporary needs? A little bit of every aspect that one needs and… desires? Or is ‘the good life’ a commonplace phrase for everything gung-ho in life - that keeps changing according to one’s priorities? More so this, I would think, especially in today’s parlance.

So from visiting the mountainous, glass-balconied home that opens to the panoramic views in Cape Town, Africa (our cover story), to the Vision Hotel in Italy’s Lake Garda that depicts a formidable mix of green and modern elements, to a human-centric experiential interior in Mumbai that focuses on the person more than the product, turning the popular retail sales dictum on its head; we have just three stories for you this week.

With an in-house celebration underway – our sister concern – Gallery Pradarshak celebrates its 25th Anniversary over the weekend, IAnD will be taking a short sabbatical and will be back at your service on the 19th of June. Do take a look at www.gallerypradarshak.com and you are most welcome to attend the celebrity brigade on 8th and 9th June, Mumbai.

Warm regards,
Savitha Hira


In case you missed it earlier.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Will the new Karle Town masterplan reinstate Bengaluru’s Garden City charm? | Looking for a larger design vision| Digipop Rug Collection by Karim Rashid| and more

Structured, yet flexible. Bold, yet minimal. Fran Silvestre Arquitectos presents a play of spatial configurations and functional aesthetics through the interiors of their latest residence, ‘The Fourth Room’...
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Dear IAnDian,

When the architectural vocabulary is potent, the feeling, the aura, the response to the built form... is sublime. It gives a special intellectual high to comprehend the sensibilities of the architect, his thought process in the design and the ultimate interaction of inanimate with animate. 'Do walls have ears?' sounds passé. Walls have eyes, they mouth words, have emotions... as they come alive in such architecture. History recounts the provenance of such built forms. Our cover story - the home in Valencia is one such example too. A must read.

UNStudio's progressive masterplan in Bengaluru for a tech company; a home that serenades its Pichola Lake surrounds in Udaipur, and a home that celebrates exposed bricks in a raw aesthetic are some of the other stories this week.

So, while you battle the summer sun outdoors, we help you cool off with a visual treat inside.

Warm regards,
Savitha Hira


In case you missed it earlier.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Toy Room: Delhi’s playfully evocative club | Appetisingly refreshing: Dadu’s in Hyderabad| Thailand’s Little Shelter Hotel| and more

International nightlife brand Toy Room’s first Indian outlet in New Delhi aligns perfectly with its foreign counterparts, where provocative playfulness amidst an elite clubbing experience is the norm…
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Dear IAnDian,

Our mailboxes seem to be suddenly flooded with a lot of hospitality projects. Different thematics, varying décor elements... each creating an aura so distinctive that it can hold its customer on the aesthetics quotient; the rest of course is the mandate of the cuisine and the chef! Yet, each is bound by the most common element - the emotional connect.

Speaking of the interiors, much thought goes into detailing and this is evident in all our stories this week. Our cover story, Toy Room, stands up to its international counterparts - thanks to Chromed Design Studio for crafting some eclectic imagery. It is commendable how sophistication has been equalised with inuendo - with a flair that all at once says - "I care, whilst you may sport a devil-may-care attitude!!" An appealingly superb use of the Teddy Bear mascot as it takes on the onus of the design and the decor - especially in the way the graphics have been conceived. Do check it out.

Our rendezvous with more hospitality projects will continue into the coming week. So, stay tuned...

Warm regards,
Savitha Hira


In case you missed it earlier.

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