Wednesday, March 18, 2020

New Batman’s cape – design solution to covid-19| The dynamics of creativity| Brand building through design| and more

Chitte Architects design an upbeat office for themselves, drawing inspiration from cave dwellings to create the dynamics conducive to a creative atmosphere…
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Dear IAnDian,
The pandemic has created much pandemonium with ‘work-from-home’ elected as the most recommended option. Luckily for IndiaArtnDesign, this has been the core mode of working since the last 6 years! Yes, this gives me the opportunity to introduce you to our regular way of working – independent, flexible, progressive and comfortable – each in our own little world; yet absolutely connected to the team and to you – our patrons and inspiration.

So, amid depressing news from all quarters – we bring you a design response to the virus. Penda Architects from China have designed a cape that creates a protective layer around you as you go out and meet people – anti Covid-19 and more like Batman. Check it out in our Product Hub section.

Staying buoyant, our stories this week are not just interesting design projects but ones that are inspiring as well. The Crazy Pianos music club in Den Haag is a beautiful case in point of harmonised maximalism – vivid and alive. Wearable art takes on a new avatar – on handbags. An experience centre in Chennai puts the spotlight on electric bikes and our cover story – the dynamic studio of Chitte Architects in Vadodara is definitely worth a read!

Take care and stay safe. Until next week…

Savitha Hira


Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Design enables, looks you in-the-eye and resolves. Are you ready for a design resolution? Complete low-down on the #KyaBola campaign.

IAnD Exclusive
The #KyaBola research initiative concludes on a note of positivity with some extremely focussed and tested concepts coming into the limelight. It is now a leap of faith that this word reaches the stakeholders-that-be!
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Dear IAnDian,

For the last three weeks, our office has been abuzz with different aspects of the #KyaBola campaign - a research initiative to reduce indiscriminate honking as the latter seems to trigger many physiological and psychological problems.

Our reach has been far and wide to say the least, but those that have responded with genuine resolutions are truly commended as conscientiousness and sensitivity to one’s immediate surrounds and this social problem (that is fast becoming a menace) calls out for a hearty applause.

And this applause is substantiated with a few good workable concepts – as you can see for yourself via the listed entries and jury comments. We now invite all the stakeholders to move this conversation ahead.

Let me leave you to read our in-depth cover story on the campaign. And we eagerly look forward to your comments/ suggestions to make this not the closure of this campaign, but the beginning of a positive social change.

With a leap of faith,

Savitha Hira


Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Somerset Museum’s new permanent exhibition| Sustained research into fibre-reinforced concrete| Public installation as a communication tool| and more

Vincent Leroy reveals "The Sun Always Rises in the East" in China, a symbolic installation that mirrors the brightest star, its restful rhythm evoking introspection.
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Dear IAnDian,

The aptitude to probe - research and dig deep into a subject often helps curate and integrate various approaches, mindsets and explore hitherto unthought-of tangents to the issue at hand. And this aspect seems universal - as we've observed in our stories this week.

From Studio Kossmanndejong exploring modern museum ideas in Somerset, England, incorporating technology to enjoy the story of gardens in its new dedicated permanent exhibition, to the footwear designer trying to revisit the historic Indian jutti and revive it as a modernised comfort wannabe; from the research explorations of ZHA studios working with continuous organic forms and French artist introspecting about the elusive elements of nature via his signatory public installation in Kumming, China - our cover story - the most evident emotion that surfaces is that of thirst - unquenchable thirst for something that we don't know; something that we seem to be constantly seeking.

This inherent need to learn, assimilate and improvise is what keeps one going in life. Our research initiative #KyaBola is toeing the same line. With responses being varied and tangential, you have just two days left to make yourself heard. So, click on the link on the banner alongside and be a significant change catalyst.

Have a great week!

Savitha Hira


Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Have you participated in the #KyaBola campaign yet? Last date approaching soon| Storytelling via Design| and more

Renowned for curating graphically remarkable and experientially transformative spaces, Hong-Kong based design firm One Plus Partnership transfixes users as they give form to the abstract…
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Dear IAnDian,

As our #KyaBola campaign gains ground, we have our expert panellists voicing their thoughts on the subject. Dr. Shefali Batra – behavioural psychiatrist, Shanoo Bhatia – design strategist and communication expert, have both shared their views, drawing various tangent to the seemingly simple problem of excessive honking. Catch them in the ezine or on social media and add your voice to theirs. There seems a lot to be said and there seems a lot that has been done in the past to combat excessive honking. But, more on that later.

On the design front, we bring you a peep into both ends of the spectrum - Fran Silvestre Arquitectos, who celebrates monochrome and minimalist design in each of his projects; and the dynamic duo Ajax Law and Virginia Lung of One Plus Partnership, who are aces at innovative theme design for interiors of all kinds, exploring the tenets of maximalism in unexpected ways. Team IAnD interviews them for their contribution to cinema house design in China. Interesting read.

And the king of quirk comes in the form of burger-scented candles from none other than McDonalds! Take a look.

Enjoy the issue and leave us your feedback.

And not to forget, the last day for participation in the #KyaBola campaign is March 5, 2020. Details and participation at http://bit.ly/KyaBola

Warmly, Savitha Hira


Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Inviting participation in a design-led research initiative related to the act of honking | and more

Honouring a 30-year legacy of excellent service, Dipen Gada and Associates style the interiors of Vadodara’s Narayan Jewellers showroom as an elegant boutique…
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Dear IAnDian,

It is amazing how a random thought gains ground and translates into a knowledge-driven learning exercise. Our research initiative, "KyaBola??" with reference to the act of honking (what did the horn say?) is as much a call for design resolutions to curb honking, as it is to assist the evolution of the modest horn.

With several tangents to the problem of increasing honking and noise pollution on our roads, a diverse Panel of Experts will be approaching the subject from the angles of behavioural psychology, design of the honk horn and its evolution, the role of communication and on-road etiquette and related issues of governance and policies that be.

The initiative is open to all creative minds. We urge you to participate and voice your suggestions. So spread the word and participate here http://bit.ly/KyaBola

Besides the highlighted campaign, we bring you stories that exemplify the role of inspiration in spatial planning and design: a jewellery showroom in Vadodara; a home in Ahmedabad and an office in Qingdao, China.

Enjoy the issue.

Savitha Hira


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